Mills and Swoon 'Tonia and The Alien' 60 Second Love Stories no 4 by Penelope la Maré

Tonia was not sure what gender the alien was but was nonetheless captivated by its very presence.

She removed her robe not even sure if the creature would understand the implications she sought to impress.

The alien moved closer, slowly, deliberately, moving several of its long tentacles around her body.

The suckers released an oil as they massaged her breasts, encircling her neck and thighs and lifting her towards a large double-ended protrusion.

Tonia was taken to a place of otherworldly ecstasy as the alien enwrapped her entire torso and spread her limbs apart.

Was this heaven, she wondered as the alien's wet protrusion entered her very soul?

© 2022 Tale Teller Club / Penelope la Maré

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